Per Sivle poetry in other languages

Publisert av Fredrik Galtung den 09.09.24. Oppdatert 09.09.24.
Dear viewer!

Maybe you came by this website by chance, or maybe you are actually interested in poetry?

Maybe you might even have heard about the Norwegian poet and national bard, Per Sivle?

If so, then you have come to the right place! Welcome!

Sivle-laget is a Norwegian non-profit membership organization. We are developing this website to become a common source for complete and correct information about Per Sivle, his life and his writings. We are still working hard on getting all the Norwegian details available here on the website - and we are committed to keep up our focus and effort in completing this! We still find new details and occasionally what seems to be unknown writings of Per Sivle, which also requires us to verify these and eventually make these available here on the website.

Although Per Sivle only wrote in Norwegian, we have received several contributions from poetry enthusiasts of translated Per Sivle poems. Such contributions include English, German, Chinese and Ukrainian translations. Some of the translations are done by people proficient in poetry, while other translations are done by people eager to help. For English translations we currently have an agreement with Finn Tømmerberg.

We would really like to get the writings of Per Sivle known to even more people around the world, and welcome all who are willing to send us their contribution of translations. Preferably for translations in "new" languages, but also if you should have a suggestion for improved poetic interpretation of how a translation should be (although we seek to keep close to the original meaning of Per Sivle's Norwegian writings). Being a non-profit organization, we can't generally provide payment for contributions - but we will be glad to honor your contributions with details about you! We might even send you a gift as thanks for your contribution...

The writings of Per Sivle are collected here in our digital "Bibliotek".
  • Titles stated in red shows the titles of writings of which we have yet to make available on the website.
  • Titles in blue are titles of writings made available on the website in Norwegian.
  • Titles in blue which also include a country flag, means that a translation in the respective language is available if you click on the title or the flag. (We are currently updating all titles with flags where relevant!)
  • We will eventually also do a similar approach with country flags for our relevant informational webpages about Per Sivle, as we continue to translate more of our website.
    • We will primarily translate the informational pages to English.
We hope you enjoy the information we make available here on the website, and feel free to email us at if you wish to contribute with a translation of Per Sivle's writings in your language.

Should you wish to financially support our work, we are open to receiving donations to:

For donations sent from Norwegian banks:
Bank account:

For donations sent internationally:

IBAN number:
c/o Fredrik Galtung
Vækerøveien 10
0282 Oslo